One of the most relaxing ways to take CBD is to make CBD Tea! There are various ways to do it including: Using Hemp Flower, adding CBD Oil to your current favorite tea bag blend and doing both by adding in terpenes for instant flavor while adding to the medicinal benefits! Whichever way you prefer, you will love this way of taking CBD! This is a plus for those who do not like the taste of CBD Oil by putting it under their tongues but still want the instant relief from CBD oil!
For this Relaxing CBD Tea recipe we will be doing a CBD Oil and Indica terpene fusion:
Grand Daddy Sleepy Tea
One Tea Bag of Sleepy Time Tea
1 - 1 1/2 cup boiling water
1 dropper of CBD Oil (Recommend our 500 mg Tincture)
1-2 drops of Grand Daddy Purp Terpene
1. Grab your favorite mug and add boiling water (or microwave on high for about 2 minutes)
2. Add dropper of CBD Oil (dosage is up to you based on your CBD tolerance)
2. Add 1-2 drops of Grand Daddy Purp Terpene (no. of drops based on how strong you want the flavor)
3. Mix well
4. Add tea bag and let seep for 3-5 minutes
5. Remove tea bag and mix again
6. Enjoy!
note: There will be oil on top of mug as well as oil on your lips afterwards. This is normal.

This recipe syngergizes all ingredients involved to make the ultimate relaxing tea! Sleepy time tea has no caffeine and uses only herbal herbs, CBD adds the relaxing and sleep aid element, and studies show Indica based strains are great for sedating and as nightcap!
This is just one way to use CBD oil in your everyday life! We encourage you to experiment to make Hemp products a daily part of your routine!
Want to know more about the benefits of CBD? Check out our blog on CBD Benefits HERE.